Because there are so many ways in which different vendors and partners can use our products, we have had to come up with some broad terms to cover different cases that all lead back to the same place in our back end.


The guest is the patron or otherwise named person or other entity that is transacting. This could be a person sitting down at the bar for a few drinks. This could be a business customer placing a catering order. This could be someone ordering a pizza from the comfort of their couch.


A restaurant is the Bbot customer who has set up ordering pages and menus for their guests to order. The restaurant could be one building or multiple. The restaurant could have one building with multiple locations inside.
These are sorted out in the tables. A restaurant can have multiple tables from which a guest can order. On those tables there can be multiple menus.


The table correlates to the physical location that a guest goes to in order to place their order. Each table corresponds to a restaurant. Each table can have multiple related menus. For example, you might find a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and drinks menu - that's four menus, available at one table. This does not, however, need to map to a physical location. This could also be used to create a separate menu for pickup or delivery, for example.


A menu is a collection of menu items. Menus have sections within them to further organize the items on them.