Potential Failure Objects

orderIdStringID of the order, if it was partially placed, or "Failed" in the event that it was not
unfulfillable_menuItemIdsArray of StringsList of IDs of menu items that are not able to be fulfilled
payment_intent_id_to_verifyStringThe related payment intent ID for the order
checkout_idStringThe ID of the checkout object
errorCodeStringThe verbose error code that was encountered. See the below Table for potential error messages.
lineItemIdsToRemoveArray of StringsA list of the IDs of items that need to be removed form the order due to fulfillment issues
errorIDStringThe ID of the related error, if it exists
customer_nameStringName of Restaurant

Potential Bbot Checkout Error Codes

NOT_OPENMerchant is currently not accepting orders.
NOT_POLLINGMerchant is not logged in.
NO_STATIONMerchant is not set up to receive orders.
NO_FULFILLMENT_METHOD_IN_DBInternal server error. Merchant is not properly configured.
DISALLOWED_MULTIPLE_MERCHANTSThis ordering page is not configured to accept multi-merchant payments.
STRIPE_DESTINATION_NOT_SET_UPMerchant is not set up to receive payments. Stripe account not set up.
WRONG_PROCESSOR_FOR_CURRENCYMerchant is not set up to receive payments. Account currency setup is not complete.
INTERNAL_BUGInternal server error. Order cancelled.
PAYMENT_INTENT_EXPIREDThis payment attempt has expired. Please try again.
PRICE_MISMATCHThe menu price has changed. Please refresh & try again, or contact us for help.
OUT_OF_STOCKSome items were out of stock. Please refresh & try again, or contact us for help.
CARD_DECLINEDYour card was declined.
NEEDS_3DSAdditional verification required
NO_DELIVERY_TO_ADDRESSSorry, that address is not in the delivery area.
INVALID_USER_DESIRED_TIMEError: the requested time is invalid